Rhine Riesling 2019 - Sur Lie | BAYNACH

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Rhine Riesling 2019 - Sur Lie

5 / 5    ratings (1)

Selection of grapes, Dry, Rhine Riesling
Producer: BAYNACH
Country: Slovakia
Region: Lesser Carpathian wine-growing region

The speciality of viticulture, Rhine Riesling in the attribute of a selection of grapes. Wine of a richer yellow to golden yellow color, but still with emerging green reflections. The aroma of the wine is very intense, formed by tones of exotic fruits such as passion fruit, mango, pomelo or lime. The taste of the wine is full, well structured, supported by fresh acidity. It is dominated by tones of tropical fruit and citrus. The wine is very persistent = it has a long and clean fruity aftertaste.

SUR LIE - the wine term, which is less well known in our region, literally means "on the sludge". SUR LIE wine lay and matured for a long time on fine yeast sludge. During this period, the yeast decomposes, rare substances such as mannoproteins enter the environment and thus increase the quality of the wine and its stability.

SUR LIE wines are more complex in taste, the taste and expression are recognized for longer, it can always surprise even with regard to the gradual maturation in the bottle.

Wine analysis: alcohol 13.5%, residual sugar 0.44 g/l, acids 7.09 g/l

Our price
On stock: 1000+
9.80 EUR
7.90 EUR
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   Ľubomír Mikula   
Toto víno mohlo vzniknúť len ,,rukou,, skúseného pivničného majstra. Nepremrhaná príležitošť od prírody urobiť vínímočné víno.....po 4rokoch má typický ,,petrolejový,, buket, ktorý sa prelína aj v chuti - takto by mal chutiť ,,uleželý,, ryňák. Buket plný medovobiskvitových tónov a cibébicko chlebovou koncovkou. Taktiež ,,potiahnutý,, alkohol, minimum kyseliniek a pobyt na kaloch je potenciál na ďalšie roky vyzrievania. Odporúčam do rodinného archívu ! Kto už máte niečo ,,odkoštované,, určite ochutnajte tento mok hodný gratulácie jeho tvorcom. Za mňa ,,palec hore,, škoda, že nebol na súťaži v Bieli 2
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