Irsai Oliver 2022 | BAYNACH

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Irsai Oliver 2022

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Quality wines, Dry, Irsai Oliver
Producer: BAYNACH
Country: Slovakia
Region: Lesser Carpathian wine-growing region

Sooooo, the waiting is over 2022 Irsai Oliver fromof the Bakšajka vineyard field.

The youth of the vineyards and the specific year 2022 will certainly be reflected in the characteristics of this wine - expect a lighter, aromatic wine with a typical, perhaps a little less intense perfume expression, which will surely please you as in previous years. The grapes were beautifully healthy with lower sugar, which suggests that the wine will be more simple, with a predominance of the scent of elder, apricots and citrus fruits, while the wine will certainly not lack spicy acidity.

The wine will reach its qualitative peak in one year. At the end of the year the profile of the wine changes considerably, while the citrus tones disappear. We recommend serving the wine with more neutral lighter meals, salads and fish, or fruit plates with soft cheese.

Wine analysis: alcohol 11,50%, residual sugar 0,3 g/l, acids 5,7 g/l

Our price
On stock: 2000+
6.50 EUR
5.50 EUR
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